Mia Fuse

Apryl Smith
Contact Email
To change the mindsets and lifestyles of chapter members and the communities we serve. We are delighted this year to have the sorority join in partnership with the American Cancer Society and from this we have special initiatives we will focus on this year to help Sorors and the community celebrate more birthdays.
Our target audience is EVERYONE. We focus on the physical, mental and spiritual wellness of our community. We are working every day to take our goals to the next level empowering individuals to take charge of the most important thing – Our Health. -
- Making Strides Against Breast Cancer
- AIDS Atlanta Walk and 5K Run
- Partnership with ACS and Metro DST Alumnae Chapters to focus on Cancer Awareness
- From Our Heart to Yours/ Red Heals Heal Walk and Run
- Teen Summit/ IMPACT Day Mental Health Partnership
- Annual Health Fair and Blood Drive
- ACS Relay for Life